Course Description:
Practicum in Vet Med 1 is designed to give students supervised practical application of knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experiences such as employment, independent study, internships, assistantships, mentorships, or laboratories. To prepare for careers in agriculture, food and natural resources, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings. Students will be expected to start Practicum in Vet Med with 200 hours earned in previous Vet Tech courses. *Offered only at TECC-West **Program fees may apply ***Attire: Scrubs, closed toed shoes ****Student must provide transportation to and from practicum site.
Prerequisite & Recommendations:
Prerequisite: Advanced Animal Science and Veterinary Medical Applications