ART 2D Design Portfolio AP (Drawing/Painting/Photography)

Course Description:

This Two-Dimensional Design Advanced Placement portfolio is intended to address a very broad interpretation of two-dimensional design issues. This type of design involves purposeful decision-making about how to use the elements and principles of art in an integrated way. For this portfolio, students are asked to demonstrate proficiency in two-dimensional design using a variety of art forms. These could include, but are not limited to, graphic design, digital imaging, photography, collage, fabric design, illustration, painting, and printmaking. The portfolio is submitted as both original pieces and as 35-mm slides of selected pieces that represent the student`s best works and includes a written statement defining the student`s focus of concentration.

Prerequisite & Recommendations:

Prerequisite: Art 2 & 3 Drawing, Art 2 & 3 Painting, or Art 2 Photography, Teacher approval

Other Information:
Offered at HS Campuses Note: - Fees may apply