Robotics II

Course Description:

In Robotics 2, students will continue the work from Robotics 1 by exploring artificial intelligence and programming in the robotic and automation industry. Through implementation of the design process, students will transfer academic skills to component designs in a project-based environment. Students will build prototypes and use software to test their designs.

Prerequisite & Recommendations:

Prerequisite: Robotics I

Other Information:
*Counts as a Math credit. Completing this course satisfies a math credit required for graduation.
Why Robotics II?
  • Satisfies 3rd math for FHSP
  • Explores and connects appropriate mathematics used in the field of engineering and robotic design
Who should consider taking Robotics II?
  • 10th - 12th students:
    • Want mathematics coursework to support college/career plans in the field of engineering
    • Want math coursework used in the field of engineering where students solve and model robotic design problems
    • Want to explore the programming and math used with artificial intelligence in the manufacturing industry
    • Want to take coursework in an applied math course