Holocaust Studies (Special Topics Social Studies)

Course Description:

In order for students to understand the importance of the Holocaust as a historical event and as part of our shared human story, the course will examine multiple perspectives and different forms of history including personal accounts, literature and art. The Holocaust Studies elective will allow students to study this complex topic in a meaningful way and to ultimately apply what they have learned to their daily lives. This 9 week course is designed to teach students why, how, what, when, and where the Holocaust took place, including the key historical trends/antecedents that led up to and culminated in the "final solution". The goal of this course is to explore and analyze the complex factors contributing to the Holocaust, interpret the events of 1933-1945, and evaluate the impact of the genocide on post-war Europe and generations to come. We will look at the Holocaust both chronologically and thematically. We will incorporate many elements of psychology, sociology, ethics, cultural anthropology, and economics.

Prerequisite & Recommendations:

Prerequisite: None

Other Information:
Offered at LHS Killough