Biology Honors

Course Description:

HONORS courses will offer an additional layer of depth and complexity applied to the standard core content alongside the high expectations and authentic learning experiences found in all LISD courses Depth and complexity applied to the standard curriculum offers rich learning experiences for students interested in taking on the challenge of advanced coursework. In Biology Honors, students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific practices during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students in Biology Honors study a variety of topics that include: structures and functions of cells and viruses; growth and development of organisms; cells, tissues, and organs; nucleic acids and genetics; biological evolution; taxonomy; metabolism and energy transfers in living organisms; living systems; homeostasis; and ecosystems and the environment. For Biology Honors, this introductory course is inquiry-based and more in-depth than Biology. A strand of study is included to help prepare students to take Advanced Placement Biology.

Prerequisite & Recommendations:

Prerequisite: None

Other Information: