English 3 B - Dual Credit (Composition 2 - ENGL 1302) 9 week

Course Description:

This course is an intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting, revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. Students develop research-based expository and persuasive texts. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices and ethical inquiry, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style, and utilizing primary and secondary research methods; critical reading of verbal, visual, and multimedia texts; systematic evaluation, synthesis, and documentation of information sources; and critical thinking about evidence and conclusions. Focus on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning, communicating, and critical analysis. Students/Parents/Guardians are responsible for any registration, tuition, fees and textbook costs. Students served under Free/Reduced lunch may qualify for tuition waivers. This course is equivalent to ENGL 1302 - Composition 2 (3 credit hours). If taken for English 3 credit it cannot be repeated for English 4 credit.

Prerequisite & Recommendations:

Recommended Prerequisite: English 1 and English 2

Other Information:
Note: 9 week semester course